Spooked By A Daisy

all your base are belong to us

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To All The Rides I've Done with Others...

Moonlight Mash

Howling at the full moon.
These were (and still are) rides put on in a place I used to live. A big group would meet up on the night of a full moon and ride around the city. The front of the ride was always someone riding a cargo style bike with a giant car battery powered speaker on it. Always a fun time with excellent music, and an occasional dance party.

Bike In Shapes

If someone had remembered to Strava it, we might actually know what it looked like.
There was a man who would occasionally organize these in the most chaotic fashion. He'd have a drawing in mind, throw it down on top of a map, and get a group to join in. He never pre-rode. Streets he chose didn't always go thru, or head in the correct direction. The final GPS drawing was frequently misshapen, but I can't say it was ever a bad time.


Track your coffee drinking! Earn a cool patch!
In the fall, you track 7 rides to 7 different coffee shops. At the end, you submit your rides and win a patch. It's fun. I use it as an reason/excuse to explore new coffee shops. So far, I've done it 3 times.

Creating My Own

There'd be more to see here if I could get people to show up.
In 2022, living in a new town, I decided I wanted to try my hand at creating my own fun rides in an attempt to find a bike community. There was a pride flag for pride, a cup of hot spiced cider in the fall, and a costume ride for Halloween. No one showed up.

Organizing with Others!

Good things happen when you plan with others!
Now living in a big city, and having made bike friends, I tried leading a ride again! Working with PDX Unity Ride, I drew up a pumpkin, they advertised, and about 25 of us rode it around for Halloween. It was great, but also, leading such a zigzagging ride ad keeping it together was somewhat stressful. We even had some people I know through skating roll along with us!